Are you a GP seeking market information about your field?

A general practitioner is a type of doctor who does not specialize in any particular field of practice. A GP will, therefore, be engaged in routine health care involving physical examinations, assessment of illnesses as well as offering treatment, and referral of patients. When you are working as a GP, you should expect to provide an ongoing doctor-patient relationship with your patients. It is rare for a GP to have only one contact with a patient; most of them will have long-term patients. [Read More]

General Practitioner: Features of a GP Clinic

A general practitioner or GP is a medical doctor who treats severe illnesses but has no particular field of specialization. The general practitioner is often the first medical personnel that a patient consults when ill. Armed with vast medical experience and training, he or she makes an acute diagnosis of the illness at hand. The GP is also concerned with preventive healthcare. He or she educates patients on various issues meant to promote their health. [Read More]

The Benefits of Remedial Massage During Your Pregnancy

Childbirth is pretty darn remarkable when you think about it. That swelling in your belly will grow and grow, until the day some nine months later when your very own little human emerges to say hello. Although of course, to carry that little human inside you can be stressful on your body in a number of different ways. There are many methods to minimise this stress, and you have probably discussed these with your doctor or healthcare professional. [Read More]

Understanding how orthodontists realign teeth to improve your smile

In addition to important oral health procedures that you may need from time to time, more people are also looking to equip themselves with a better smile. While tooth extractions, whitening and implants all contribute towards improving the appearance of the teeth, teeth also need to be realigned to ensure that they are in the right position within the mouth. Orthodontists have come up with unique and effective methods of ensuring that the teeth are slowly adjusted to their proper position without causing any pain and discomfort. [Read More]